- Inspired by Nicky Case's "Remember Anything Forever-ish" site here for spaced repetition, I began building this more polished experience.
- Designed to be one of those ambitious projects that keeps growing.
- Dynamically allows users to create and load in their own cards, and test themselves on their memory, progressively over time with statistics.
- Written in Angular, TypScript, JavaSCript, SASS, CSS, HTML. Uses ReactiveX, TSLint, RxJs, and more.
- UX: Developed front-end application to facilitate data visualization of gradually paced breathing rate. Slider controls speed.
- Provided separate settings file for client to easily perform modification.
- Application completed from requirements entirely independently.
- My PC-based design was used as the template creating these spin-off mobile apps for Android and Apple.
- Submitted to the Traumatology Institute.
Written in JavaScript, RaphaelJS, PhoneGap, targetted iOS and web.
Video demo: recorded here
Code not shareable
Due to non-disclosure agreement code cannot be distributed. However I am allowed to demonstrate in person.
- Written for Concussion Vision Clinic patients to asssist with their recovery, and to be readily available resource online.
- Transformed and loaded multiple data sources including IMDb to query various film, crew dependencies with various joins.
- Directed team composed of myself, artist and level designer to create a 2D game.
- Working prototype done in a weekend.
- Prepared for event by obtaining relevant skills, using wide library of resources & documentation.
- Submitted for Toronto's Game Jam TOJam 9
- Written in C#, Unity, Mono/.NET. Designed to be serializable to save state.
- Game mechanics similar to Angry Birds to launch projectiles, but with orbiting physics.
- Coordinated art logistics.
- Targeted & tested on Android tablet. Pinch zoom implemented.
- Submitted for ROM Jam (Royal Ontario Museum Game Jam).
- Written in C#, Unity, Mono/.NET. Designed to export to Android.
- In a Mario-ware-like series of short levels, you progress through job levels until you face-off against the CEO
- Designed to allow freedom of team members to contribute tiny game mechanics.
- Submitted for Toronto's Game Jam TOJam 10
- Written in C#, Unity, Mono/.NET.
- Assisted technical leads by researching relations in database on their behalf, during schema migration upgrade to new format for Panorama.
- Analyzed large proprietary Ministry of Health schema for immunization history, extracting useful data.
- Reactive client updates to branding changes elsewhere
- Log syncing
- Pause menu in Unity
- Troubleshooting D-BOX motion seat in acclaimed The Great C, and Ubisoft's Eagle Flight for proper calibration.
- VR Valve/Oculus integration
- Video processing
- Used Angular, C#, .NET, Unity in VUSR Venue Dashboards, Gallery, Videoplayer